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The strange physics of absolute zero and what it takes to get there

The strange physics of absolute zero and what it takes to get there

14 December 2022

Weird things happen down at -273°C, the coldest possible temperature. Now we're building quantum fridges, which could make things even weirder

Space, time and motion

Space, time and motion

21 November 2022

Explore the equations that revolutionised physics, leading to the theory of relativity and the prediction of black holes.

What we don’t know about gravity

What we don’t know about gravity

21 November 2022

What exactly is gravity? Is it a force? Is it the manifestation of the curvature of spacetime?

laser reflect on optic table un quantum laboratory; Shutterstock ID 1308974998; purchase_order: -; job: -; client: -; other: -

Quantum engine is powered just by measuring its quantum state

12 October 2022

A quantum engine built using two entangled quantum bits uses measurements as a source of energy. It could speed up the way some quantum computers process information

Experiment in photonic laboratory with laser

Quantum watch is a 'completely new way of measuring time'

24 October 2022

A quantum stopwatch made of lasers and helium atoms can measure the time that has passed with complete accuracy, without counting seconds like other clocks

Artists concept view of the interior of the ITER reaction vessel. Nuclear fusion involves creating a plasma of superheated gas to temperatures of more than 200 million degrees C, conditions hot enough to force deuterium and tritium atoms to fuse together and release energy. Fusion takes place inside a 'Tokamak' torus within a giant magnetic field, the only way to contain the heat generated. The ITER reactor is designed to produce 500 MW, 10 times more energy than it consumes. Nuclear fusion is the joining (fusing) of light elements to form heavier elements, which releases large amounts of energy. It is hoped that fusion will be a clean, renewable energy source for the future. Nuclear fusion is the joining (fusing) of light elements to form heavier elements, which releases large amounts of energy. It is hoped that fusion will be a clean, renewable energy source for the future.

Can a slew of nuclear fusion start-ups deliver unlimited clean energy?

19 October 2022

We have been trying to harness the reaction that powers the stars for decades, and now private firms are promising commercial fusion within a decade. Is there any reason to believe them this time?

Carlo Rovelli

Carlo Rovelli interview: "Reality is not things, but connections"

13 October 2022

Inspired by the art of Cornelia Parker, physicist Carlo Rovelli explains the idea of relational quantum mechanics - and how it could resolve some key problems concerning the nature of reality.

Physicists made the most precise measurement ever of a single particle

13 October 2022

By trapping a single electron in an isolated chamber cooled to near absolute zero, physicists were able to measure the particle's magnetic moment - a key quantum property - at a precision of 1.3 parts in 10 trillion

Woman standing in aisle of server room

Ronnametres and quettagrams have joined the ranks of SI units

17 November 2022

New prefixes in the International System of Units have been confirmed, ushering in ronto and quecto for tiny numbers and ronna and quetta for very large numbers, like the amount of data on internet servers

inqnet/A. Mueller (Caltech)

A quantum computer has simulated a wormhole for the first time

30 November 2022

Researchers have used Google's Sycamore quantum computer to simulate a simplified wormhole for the first time, and sent a piece of quantum information through it