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Patient concern

15 November 2006

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Gagarin goes into orbit

15 November 2006

Classic article from 1961: The incredible achievement by the Russians receives a cool reception at the International Space Science Symposium

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Polypropylene: Plastic with a future

15 November 2006

Classic article from 1957: Polypropylene articles, tubing and film are on show in Milan – could they rival polyethylene?

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Space station crew to throw garbage overboard

15 November 2006

Our throwaway culture could extend into space if the crew of the International Space Station start pitching their rubbish overboard

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New law permits the burying of CO2

15 November 2006

Many countries would love to bury the problem of rising carbon dioxide levels and forget about it – soon they will be able to, literally

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US midterm elections – a good day for science

15 November 2006

It was not just the Democrats who won big in last week's elections – science and the environment came up trumps too, almost everywhere

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This week 50 years ago

15 November 2006

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Smart drug bites into tooth decay

15 November 2006

Dentists could soon be out of a job – a "smart bomb" antimicrobial drug that kills plaque bacteria could stop tooth decay in its tracks

Sea canyons braced for climate change

Sea canyons braced for climate change

15 November 2006

Global warming could reach down into the ocean floor, interrupting the flow of vital nutrients from shallow waters to deep ocean ecosystems

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Doctors seek help from Google

15 November 2006

In the hands of amateurs, searching for their symptoms may do more harm than good, but what about as a diagnostic tool for doctors?