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Human brain model on doctor hand. Doctor using pencil to demonstrate brain anatomy

The human brain can be squished 10 times as easily as polystyrene foam

14 December 2022

Researchers used MRI scans and an algorithm to measure the stiffness and resilience to pressure of the brain in living people

Illustration of the hippocampus in a child's brain.

Higher US welfare benefits seem to protect children's brains

20 December 2021

The size of a child’s hippocampus can be limited by stress, and US state welfare schemes that give families $500 a month or more are linked to a reduction in this association


Fish brains grow when they have to think more and shrink if they don't

9 July 2021

The brains of fish grow in more challenging environments and shrink in less challenging ones, sometimes growing and shrinking with the seasons

Ian Burkhart

Brain implant lets man with paralysis move and feel with his hand

23 April 2020

A brain-computer interface has helped a man with a severe spinal cord injury move and feel using a hand again, letting him carefully lift light objects such as a paper cup

Sim Singhrao

Gum disease and Alzheimer’s: The importance of oral hygiene

9 December 2019

The bacteria in our bodies affect our minds. Cell biologist Sim Singhrao explains how improved oral hygiene, diet and exercise can stave off dementia

Tests at 3 years old could predict how well your brain will age

Tests at 3 years old could predict how well your brain will age

25 August 2019

Cognitive testing at the age of 3 can predict how healthy a person’s brain will be in their mid 40s, and may indicate whether they are likely to develop dementia


Exclusive: Brain zap therapy for aggression to be tested on prisoners

6 March 2019

Researchers are about to begin testing whether electrical brain stimulation can reduce violent thoughts among convicts in a Spanish prison

blue-footed Amazon parrot

Parrots are clever because their brains evolved the same way as ours

6 December 2018

Like humans, parrots have big brains and good communication skills – now we know the DNA regulating parrot and human brain development evolved in a similar way

Is it ethical to use complex mini-brains for artificial intelligence?

Is it ethical to use complex mini-brains for artificial intelligence?

7 June 2023

Brain organoids could be more effective than silicon-based AIs at certain tasks. But as they grow more complex, when should we step in to protect their welfare, asks Michael Le Page

Consciousness traced to specific clusters of nerve cells in the brain

18 August 2023

Researchers have mapped how clusters of nerve cells in the brain connect to regulate wakefulness, which could open doors to new treatments for people in comas