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Sick ants stay clear of their co-workers to stop disease spreading

22 November 2018

Ants exposed to a potentially lethal fungal pathogen spend less time in the nest - a strategy that helps protect co-workers and the queen from becoming infected

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Excessive hours are a failure of economies

21 November 2018

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First class post – 24 November 2018

21 November 2018

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Editor's pick: Causes of tipping points in risk perception

21 November 2018

Flooding in Houston

Urbanisation made flooding from Hurricane Harvey 21 times as likely

14 November 2018

Tall buildings in Houston made hurricane Harvey dump more rain on the region, before the water ran straight off the city's hard surfaces causing epic flooding

Titi monkeys

An extinct monkey evolved to live like a sloth in the Caribbean

12 November 2018

Jamaica was once home to a sloth-like monkey – now we know it was a strange descendant of South America’s titi monkeys that adapted to island life

Life reconstruction of Edmontosaurus

Mummified dinosaur has bite marks and gashes in its skin

12 October 2022

An exceptionally well-preserved duck-billed hadrosaur found in North Dakota hints that dinosaur mummies may be more common than we think

Tall man and short woman

12,000 genetic variants affect height in people with European ancestry

12 October 2022

Over 12,000 genetic variants play a role in height differences among people with European ancestry, though these variants have a much smaller influence in people with other ancestries

Brown howler monkeys in open grassland

Monkeys and lemurs are coming down from the trees as climate warms up

10 October 2022

Rising temperatures and deforestation are pushing tree-dwelling primates to spend more time on the ground in search of shade and water

Patrick Vallance

UK needs bigger role for science in government, says chief scientist

9 October 2022

Patrick Vallance, the UK government’s chief scientific adviser, says every government department needs to take science into consideration and invest more in research and development to boost growth