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Scientists race to test claimed room-temperature superconductor

Researchers are moving quickly to test if a material called LK-99 really is a superconductor at room temperature and pressure. Several labs have already announced results

By Karmela Padavic-Callaghan

2 August 2023

Superconductors can magnetically levitate

Superconductors can magnetically levitate

Shutterstock/2016 Forance

When researchers claimed recently that they had created a material that perfectly conducts electricity – a superconductor – and that it does so at room temperature and pressure, many people were understandably sceptical. Such a finding would be transformative to many areas of science and technology. Now, labs around the world have kicked into action in a race to create and test the new material, called LK-99, to see if it really is what its creators claim.

Superconductors could radically increase the efficiency of many technologies, including …

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